Kaypro Personal Computers (circa 1980's)

 Kaypro 16E Portable (above)

Kaypro II above.

Kaypro 10 above courtesy of Robert Kaussner

 Kaypro 2000, announced in 1985 (above)

Kaypro 286i (above)

Kaypro PC announced in 1985 (above)

Kaypro Snapshot

Kaypro got its name from Andrew Kay. Kaypro was formerly called Non-Linear Systems. In 1953, Andrew Kay, an electrical engineer from MIT, founded Non-Linear Systems (NLS) company. NLS was involved in research and development of non-linear electronic and mechanical systems.

Non-Linear Systems changed its name to "Kaypro" in 1982. In 1982, the "Kaycomp II" computer was introduced, designed to compete with the popular Osborne portable microcomputer. The Kaycomp weighed about 29 pounds, and ran the CP/M operating system. It sold for about $1,795.00. In 1982, the Kaypro was introduced.

In 1983, Kaypro released the successor to its first computer, the Kaypro 2x. The Kaypro II used the Z80Z, 8-bit processor and CP/M. It cost $1,295.


History of Computing

An Encyclopedia of the People and Machines that Made Computer History

Copyright © 1982-2000, Lexikon Services "History of Computing" ISBN 0-944601-78-2

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